Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.'

For me, this week has been one of the most special weeks that I can remember. For weeks, we lived in the hope that we would be able to welcome the children back to school and gain some routine within our lives - this week we did just that. Every single child has bound into class, full of life, excitement and lockdown stories that they have wanted to share with their friends and teachers. It has been lovely to hear the sound of laughter so prevalent in the classroom, see the smiles of the children as they work collaboratively in class and feel the love and friendship that they have with each other. I always knew that Our Ladys was a very special place, but this week has illustrated that in bucket loads.

This week was all about reconnecting with each other. The children have chosen a different person to work with each day, completed lots of reflective art tasks and have enjoyed time outside with their friends; just playing like children need to. We have discussed what it means to be loving and compassionate, especially now more than ever. As well as reconnecting, we have explored what we have learnt about ourselves and how lockdown has altered us. The paintings above that the children completed are portraits of themselves with words that describe them - independent, resilient, focused, determined, kind, productive, happy.

As we continue to journey through Lent, we are filled with such a sense of hope. This week the children have all made mission crosses about hope. They include things that the children are going to do to foster a sense of hope in our community. At this time of year, we are usually busy planning Easter Assemblies to present to our families and we are aware just how special and reflective you find them. As a school, we are planning to share the Easter message of hope with you all - just in a virtual way.

As we move towards Holy Week in just 2 weeks, we will all be reminded of the sacrifices that Jesus endured and the hope that is then found in the risen Christ.

Learning also had to be restarted this week in a classroom environment and the children have certainly started where they left off in January. After completing Skellig and watching the video on Monday, we turned our attention to a film narrative unit of work on The Piano. This is an incredibly emotive video that needs no words. Through the scenes and the music, the children were able to understand the character’s emotions at different parts of his life. Why not watch the film this weekend - next week we will be writing the man’s story.

In maths, we have consolidated our understanding of area and moved onto finding the area of different shapes and in science, we have focused on the heart. The children have made some wonderful posters all about the heart with key facts. Our classroom looks amazing with all of the children’s wonderful work.

Homework can be found on the Home Learning page of the Year 6 website. It will go out each Wednesday and is due back in on a Tuesday.

Please enjoy a selection of photographs celebrating the children’s week together.

Celebrating Learning

Well done to every single child in Year 6 - there is an awful lot to celebrate.

Our two certificate winners this week are Isabella and Laura. Both of these girls have come back into school determined to pick up where they left off. There has been some tricky and emotive work and the girls have contributed to each lesson with confidence and enthusiasm. Well done!

Moving Forward

Like everybody, we just do not know what will happen in the coming weeks and our guidance and risk assessments are incredibly tight. We have a new saying in class ‘Let’s focus on what we can do’ as we know that there are many things that we will not be able to do in the summer term. We are taking things day by day and week by week. I know you will have lots of questions about the end of your child’s journey at Our Ladys and their transition to high school. Please be assured that your child’s final term at Our Ladys is in the forefront of my mind and I will be focusing on things that they can do together. If anybody has any questions about their child’s transition to high school, please do not hesitate to get in touch

Have a wonderful weekend with your family and celebrate Mother’s Day together. I think you are all very special and you have done a remarkable job this year!

God Bless

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster