'We can't heal the world today but we can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love, an act of kindness' Mary Davis

What a wonderful and eventful week we have had in Year 5… we have welcomed brand new members, we have been reunited with our friends and we have sadly said goodbye to members of our class family. But throughout it all, the children have been truly amazing, showing great love and compassion- we are all very proud of them. This week it has been so lovely to have all of the children back in class together and to NEARLY complete our class family once again. Of course we have dearly missed Mrs Nel and Mrs Hotckiss, although they have been popping in to sessions at different times, so they have been with us, albeit virtually. It was such a joy to see the children coming back in to school on Monday, seeing all of their friends, brimming with confidence, slipping back in to very familiar routines and of course ready to take control of their learning! They have blown us away with how settled and focused they have been, we have loved every minute of teaching them.

Monday we welcomed Miss Bassett to the Year 5 team, which the children have loved having her back again. They started the week by taking a precious trip down memory lane, from when their journey at Our Lady’s first began… they giggled at photographs and shared stories of their time in Reception. Clayton got the award for the best pose, as on every photo he had his finger on his lips and they all remembered the ‘pink phone’ which they all wanted to play with- it was very funny! The liturgy that we shared also was beautiful, talking about the gift of friendship, sadly we said goodbye to our friend and class member Aya and we wished her well in her new school.

The rest of the week then continued with our learning, which has been centred around the new virtues of the half term- Love and Compassion, where we have talked about the importance of respect, understanding and celebrating everybody’s differences and gifts from God. We have loved continuing our novel ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ and can’t wait to read the next chapter, where we will find out the story of how Kensuke came to be on the remote island- very exciting!

On Wednesday we said goodbye to our wonderful student teacher, Miss Coupe. We wished her well on her next placement at another school and celebrated all of her successes during her time at Our Lady’s. The children have become very fond of Miss Coupe, she has helped and supported all the children, both at home and I am sure we all agree, she is going to make a wonderful teacher. She has promised she will pop back to school to see us at some point.


This week we celebrated Jacob for her great focus during class, cooperation whilst working with his learning partner and his resilience in English- well done Jacob, keep it up!

We also celebrated Ava as a Roger Robin, for the encouragement and support she shows to others. Ava is a prime example of living out our virtues, as she always shows great love and compassion for the members of her class.

  • PE DAYS: Tuesday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor).

  • Lunchtimes with Mr Nay- Tuesday and Thursday

  • Please can children remember to take their reading books to and from school- they should be reading for at least half an hour every night please.

God bless and have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Nel, Mrs Harrison, Miss Bassett and Mrs Russell