"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier"

What a wonderful week it has been here in Year 2! I think we are all now fully back into the swing of the school routine and the learning taking place is amazing! We have been busy persuading people to come to our zoos in English, with marvelous meerkats to terrifying tigers - I wish I could visit them all! The children’s leaflets are seeping with such creative persuasive language, from the visitor quotes to catchy headings. It is clear from the writing produced that the children have had great fun creating them and playing around with the vocabulary. Well done Year 2 - we have certainly had a class filled with Creative Kiki Chameleons this week!

In maths we have continued learning all about shapes. We have focused mainly on 3D shapes this week, counting their edges, faces and vertices, all whilst remembering those tricky 3D shape names and how to spell them! It was great to see all of this shape knowledge coming together as the class made their own ‘shape museums’ this morning. Which 3D shapes can you spot below?

Coming back as our whole class team has meant playing all those fun and exciting games together at playtimes which we all sorely missed. Therefore, this week in outdoor PE, we had fun learning some new games that we can enjoy together in our breaktimes. We reminded ourselves of the importance of being co-operative, taking turns, speaking kindly to one another and most importantly, having fun together! It was so lovely to hear a lesson filled with so much giggling and excitement! In RHE this term, we are also thinking carefully about our friends and what we can do to become more compassionate and loving.

What a truly tremendous week Year 2!

Let’s Celebrate

This week you have been such a Lizzie Ladybird Esther!  I have seen so much progress in your writing.  You have listened so carefully to the teaching in every lesson and have acted upon feedback and advice given to you.  Even though the persuasive writing has been difficult, you’ve tried and tried and your work completed has been tremendous.  Well done!

Elsie, what a creative writer you are.  You have fully immersed yourself in our persuasive writing topic this term and have had so much fun playing around with words and phrases.  You love magpieing ideas from our working wall and using these in your own innovative sentences.  It is always such a pleasure to read your work and I know that you love sharing your ideas just as much as we enjoy hearing them!


Just a quick reminder that PE days are Wednesdays (outdoor) and Thursdays (indoor). Please do ensure that your child has their PE shorts with them on Thursdays.

Home learning is set on Fridays and must be completed by the following Thursday. The work set can be found under the homework section of this page.

We’ve been so lucky with the sunshine this week, let’s hope it continues to shine for the weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team