Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 23rd April 2021

This week’s home learning is online.


Play ‘Rocket Rounding’ by clicking the button below. Select ‘with number line’ and ‘up to 99 to nearest 10’ when presented with the menu.

Maths IXL

Have you completed A.12 on IXL? If you haven’t, please complete this section. If you have, choose another skill to practise.

TT Rockstars

Try and visit the TT Rockstar website for at least 3 minutes each day. I know many have had their second gigs now … I wonder how many levels until the next one?


Please read your reading books for at least 10 minutes each day. Don’t forget those important bed time stories too - there’s nothing better than snuggling up with a good book!

I have set a high frequency word typing game as a 2DO on Purple Mash. The children can always complete more of these if they finish the one I have set. The games can be found in the 2type section of English on Purple Mash. Not only do these games help spelling, but they develop typing skills too!

English IXL

Complete section O.5. If you’ve completed this section, choose another to complete.


Adding the suffix -ness

silliness bossiness dizziness happiness chattiness sleepiness

Set 16

these only most those both cold