Year 5 Home Learning (homework) to be handed in on Thursday 29th April

Thank you for all the homework handed in last week! I’m looking forward to all the science research next week so I have popped that homework on first!

Homework books have come home - please see for maths and complete English here too.


Science has dominated the week this week. We have explored the Universe! We have already discovered so many new facts and the children have loved it - quote one excited child" “My mind is blown!” During the science lessons we made different model of the Solar system and for their home work they have to complete one more. This is an order model with Research. This is a chunky homework so I have set it for 2 weeks. You will need to complete the research (internet) on each fan (be accurate and neat and clear). Complete the colours too - be accurate all scientists build accurate models.

Fans handed out in class



We continue to read in class daily, there are many lovely books on the go. Please encourage your child to settle to their book at bedtime.


Over the past two weeks we have been lost in fractions! We have explored improper fractions and proper fractions and understand that they can be equivalent (same fraction written in two different ways). We have our homework books this week and I have placed a little booklet inside each one for the children to work through. I have also attached them here should they mysteriously disappear.


We have been writing sentences using causal (cause and effect conjunctions). These words connect two ideas in the sentence. Because it is causal, something happens because something else happens. We discovered too that we could groups these conjunctions see the image below:

casual conjunctions.png

Subordinating conjunctions can be at the beginning or middle of a sentence for example:

Now that she has returned to school, Mrs Nel has rediscovered her love of teaching.

Mrs Nel has rediscovered her love of teaching, now that she has returned to school.

Please write a complex sentence just like the one above using the conjunction EVEN THOUGH write it twice showing how you can move the subordinate clause - NOTE THE COMMA - SPLITING THE CLAUSES

Co- ordinating conjunctions come in the middle of two independent clause for example:

The sun shone all day yet the it still felt cold outside!

Please write a sentence of your own with YET and another with SO

Adverbials sound great at the beginning of sentences when you are talking about the sentence before for example:

The Universe is still expanding. As a result, science are unsure about how vast it actually is.

Please write your own sentences firstly, using consequently and then using therefore

EXTRA - For those children desperate keep striving for level 420 and their next gig keep going for it - then you can join the others in the arena!

OPTIONAL IXL- Please know that we have to complete all our IXL’s before Year 6 - You may have time to catch up on one or two! Here is the grid to check.

Have Fun!