Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'When you love what you have, you have everything that you need.'

Do you know what the difference is between a disciple and an apostle? We have been exploring this very question this week in Year 6. Disciples are learners, listeners and followers; apostles are teachers, missionaries and guardians…but can you become an apostle without being a disciple? Do disciples always become apostles? There isn’t an hour that goes by in class where the children aren’t challenged to think deeply. This challenge isn’t always provided by myself or Mrs Webster, but often from the questions that the children pose themselves. They really keep us on our toes too!

Variety is definitely the spice of life in Year 6! Each and every day, we are learning so many new concepts and flicking from one piece of learning to the next.

This week we have:

  • Read chapter 2 and 3 of The Wizard of Oz.

  • Written letters to Aunt Em and Uncle Henry from Dorothy, letting them know that she is safe.

  • Researched all about Kansas ready for filming next week.

  • Edited and improved poetry.

  • Learnt how to green screen and record our poems - have a look below, they are wonderful!

  • Learnt how to draw and measure angles accurately with a protractor.

  • Looked at the difference between a disciple and an apostle.

  • Understood what happened after Jesus ascended into heaven.

  • Discussed dispositional and erosion landforms.

  • Looked at how humans and wildlife contribute to erosion.

  • Started our dance unit of work

  • Looked at the role of a fielder in rounders.

The list could go on…

Next week we will be continuing to explore film making. Using the research on Kansas, the children will be putting a travel film together. I think we will all be entertained!

Please enjoy a little snap-shot of this week’s learning and fun in the Year 6 classroom.

Film Making

I really want the children to become confident performing - ready for our end of year production. Over the next few weeks, we will be using the green screen in our classroom to bring our work to life.

This week the children have been working in groups to retell their poems. The poetry that they speak are their own words. I think they are all really extraordinary!

Celebrating Learning

Well done to our weekly certificate winners - Frankie, Daisy and Reuben.

All three of these children have a clear vision of what learning looks like for them. They are all working hard to achieve their targets therefore becoming the very best version of themselves.

A cracking week, WELL DONE!

Year 6 Adventure Week…where are we going?

Monday 7th June - Friday 11th June

In line with our ‘What can we do?’ attitude for our final half term, I have been busy trying to re-create the activities from the usual residential week as best as I can. I actually think that we may be doing more than we would do if we were away.

If you click on the button below, you will see our timetable for the week. It was important to me that the children could visit Water Park for the day and get to experience the lake fun. The week has been carefully planned out and full risk assessments will be taking place for each day of the week. There is a lovely mix of exploring what our coastal area has to offer as well as being able to visit places that the children may not have visited before. The activities are fantastic! From mole caving to kayaking to high ropes to rounders on the beach - I think that we will have a wonderful week (please pray for good weather).

The total cost for the week is £80. This covers all transport, activities, kit hire at Water Parks, Stanley Park and bike hire for BMX.

We will be treating the children to ice-creams in Lytham and fish and chips on the beach on the Friday.

Please do not go out and buy any new clothing…the children will come home very wet and stinking of muddy, lake water. I will provide you with a kit list in coming weeks. The children will definitely need a backpack for the week and a good pair of walking trainers that they do not mind getting muddy.

I have sent a medical form home today that Water Parks require for the children to access the lake. Please can this be returned by Friday 30th April to school.

Further information about the logistics of each day will be with you nearer the time.

If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you all for booking your slots for parent’s evenings. I am really looking forward to seeing you all and discussing the fantastic progress that your child has made this year. I have noted the comments you have put on your appointment booking and will discuss these with you when we meet. If anybody has any questions in the meantime, as always, send me an email and I will get straight back to you.

I hope you have a lovely weekend in the sunshine - long may it continue!

God bless

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster