Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 7th May 2021

This week’s home learning is online.


I have set a 2DO for you to complete on Purple Mash - Adding three numbers.

Maths IXL

Choose a section in E to complete. If you’ve completed all of E, choose another section to complete.

TT Rockstars

Try and visit the TT Rockstar website for at least 3 minutes each day. I love seeing how many coins you’ve earned!


Read for at least 10 minutes each day. So many of you are now keeping your books for that little bit longer which is amazing. I can’t wait to see who will be our star readers next week!

Complete the sentence work set for you to complete on Purple Mash.

English IXL

Complete section O.17. If you’ve completed this section, choose another to complete.


Words ending in -el

angel level label towel camel jewel

Set 18

people climb wild even great break