"He who has the Holy Spirit in his heart and the scripture in his hands has all he needs"

Having only four days of learning certainly didn’t stop the children from working hard this week! Every lesson has been jam packed filled with problem solving and deep thinking, and it has been lovely to see such a mix of Cooperative Roger Robins working so well with each other as well as amazing independent learners. We were all delighted to welcome our new friend Ella to our class team this week who we have all really enjoyed getting to know. We hope you’ve enjoyed your first week with us Ella - it’s like you’ve always been here!

In English we have been focusing on diary writing. The children stepped into the roles of Jasmine, Aladdin, the Royal Guards and the market sellers as they created freeze frames for the parts of the story we have read so far. We then used these freeze frames to help us to write Jasmine’s diary from that day … and what an exhausting day it was for her!

We have recapped some important addition and subtraction strategies in maths this week. We have been using our knowledge of number bonds to help us to calculate number sentences both mentally and efficiently. This morning we then used these skills to help us to problem solve some real tricky mathematical puzzles. The class was filled with Don’t Give Up Sadie Spiders as they worked through each challenge with grit and determination. Well done Year 2 - it is wonderful to see such confidence in your number knowledge.

The hall was filled with gasps and ahhhs as the children walked into the hall for their indoor PE session on Thursday to find that we were using the climbing frame and apparatus. Over the past weeks, the class have been busy practising their jumps, rolls, balances and travels in gymnastics, so it was great to see all of these skills come together as the children created sequences using the apparatus too.

In RE this week, we learned how Jesus promised to send his special friend, the Holy Spirit, to help and guide us after he would return to heaven. It was beautiful to hear the children express how they feel the presence of the Holy Spirit around them and how it helps them in different ways.

Well … that’s another week of amazing focus and learning complete. Let’s keep it up for the final two weeks of this half term. Well done Year 2!

Let’s Celebrate

What a ‘Creative Kiki Chameleon’ you have been this week Erin.  It has been wonderful to see you getting so involved in our Aladdin drama activities – your confidence has grown so much this year!  You have then been able to use your knowledge of the character’s thoughts and feelings to produce some fantastic pieces of writing.  Super work Erin, I’m incredibly proud! 

Ella – what a superb addition you are to our Year 2 class team!  You have settled in amazingly and it has been wonderful to see your confidence blossoming throughout the week.  You have thrown yourself into every challenge and it is clear to see that you are a real enthusiastic learner.  We all can’t wait to get to know you even more!  Well done Ella!


I am looking forward to meeting with you all for our virtual parents’ meetings next week. Please note that all of the meetings are controlled electronically and will only run for the 7 minutes allocated. Therefore, please ensure that you are ready at your meeting time as they will not be able to run over into the next time slot.

There are still children coming to school on a Thursday without their PE shorts. Please do ensure that your child has all of their kit with them so that they are able to participate in all of the activities. Due to health and safety, we do also have to ask children to remove earrings. It would be great if these could be left at home on PE days. Thank you.

Don’t forget to check this week’s home learning.

Have a great weekend!

God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.