This week...

Although it has been a short week, we have all managed to cram as much learning in as possible! We continue to search for superhero powers in everyone and everything we do; you would be surprised that no matter how small we all have special gifts that we can use to help others.

We also watched the Alphablocks ‘X’ who is a super hero. We then all had a try at writing ‘x’. We loved it!

Click here to watch and then test the children’s knowledge of ‘x’. You may need your Read, Write Inc. sound mat! The rhyme goes; down the arm and leg and repeat on the other side…easy peasy!

The children noticed when they returned to nursery that our caterpillars had started their transformation into a butterfly and were inside a cocoon. We have been trying to understand the process but it’s rather tricky. We found out that:

Pupa and chrysalis have the same meaning: the transformation stage between the larva and the adult. While pupa can refer to this naked stage in either a butterfly or moth, chrysalis is strictly used for the butterfly pupa. A cocoon is the silk casing that a moth caterpillar spins around it before it turns into a pupa.

We also watched ‘Come Outside’ with Auntie Mabel and Pippin to help us understand more about butterflies; they visited a butterfly house and it looked fabulous. There are so many different kinds of butterflies and moths. We discovered that moths are nocturnal, we love that word.

Click here if you would like to watch at home.

We have also been reading the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ along with the puppet and all the foods it ate through! Click here to watch. So busy!

Inspired with our chrysalis we decided to explore patterns on butterfly wings. Guess what we found out? They are symmetrical! Mmmm… lots of learning there. We have drawn symmetrical butterflies, painted symmetrical butterflies on the computer, did some string pulling pictures and even made symmetrical butterflies using our giant peg boards. Take a look.

If you remember, last week a shared a new song about the seven continents. I have found the song and a video on YouTube if you would like to listen and watch. Click here and enjoy!

The next item seems to be fast becoming a regular feature. It’s where I share all the other learning and fun we have been having at nursery this week. You will notice that our passion for building obstacle courses hasn’t abated. We have also enjoyed digging in the sand kitchen this week, sorry if we sent the children home a bit grubby but they created some love dishes and wonderful cakes. Watch out Great British Bake Off.

The children also have been practicing their bubble blowing skills. I must say they are getting very good. We had a bubble blowing challenge with Reception, I think we definitely won! Hooray!

If you want to have a go at home all you will need is some washing up liquid and household items with holes. You could be scientists and conduct your own experiments. Send us the pictures we would love to see them.

Remember ‘think big’ – if you want to scale up the recipe, you just need one part washing-up liquid to six parts water. Try making a big bubble mixture in a washing-up bowl – then you can use bigger items, like colanders and slotted spoons, to make bubbles in the garden. Have fun!

Finally, I’m not sure what the weather will be like this weekend (surely it can’t be as bad as the Bank Holiday), but whatever the weather have a fabulous time as a family. We will see everyone on Monday for yet another great week of learning.
