Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in Thursday 13th May


As we pass into the second half of the half term - we try to keep a eye on our reading targets. We can share these targets and our reading progress during next weeks virtual parents meetings. You may find a few sci-fi books “flying around” two before the end of the half term as we have read the openings to a few this week- they really do sound exciting!!


IXL is a very useful platform to help us reinforce our learning, but it doesn’t always match the curriculum accurately. Finding the perimeter of rectilinear shapes is part of the Year 5 curriculum but it is found n the Year 4 IXL! So take care this week as you enter YEAR 4 to complete the following: X1, X2 and X3.


Pop onto your Purple Mash- I have set you a 2do!. You have to write a comprehensive fact file about an alien species. There are a number of pictures for you to choose from! Use the prompt box to help you with the creative writing. Let your imagination run wild!


This week we have explored how our shadows change direction and length throughout the day. Complete these 2 2do’s on your Purple Mash:

Light and shadow quiz

Shadow Placing - take you time with this one!

All online again this week - have fun!