Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in Thursday March 25th

Welcome to this weeks learning!

Task 1 Reading

Please enjoy your novel everyday. We read at school everyday when we arrive in the morning- it is lovely if we return to this world again last thing at night! Keep loving those books they are the key to all successful learning.

NB for parents: The link for parents to your child’s Accelerated Reader account -to help you see your child’s progress is at the top of this page.

Task 2 Maths

It is great to see everyone’s TT Rockstar average daily times shoot up this week I can see you have been practicing daily - make sure you do those 10 minutes everyday!

Pre- learning. Next week will be moving our long multiplication on with Miss Bassett. Be ready by completing D14 of your IXL. For those children who want a further fluency challenge keep on top of you addition understanding with B7

Task 3 Geography

Have you ever heard of FRACKING? Is is a way of getting natural gas out of rocks. We can burn this gas and make electricity. But is Fracking a good idea? I would like you to watch this film - it is very visual which is great but the man does use some tricky language - you may want to watch it the second time with an adult. I would then like you to watch it for a third time this time pause the film in places so you can record the DISADVANTAGES of using the non-renewable natural resource. Now pop into your Purple Mash and record your disadvantages there in the 2do.

Task 4 Spelling

Click here to find a list of this weeks spellings! Learn them carefully then take the spelling test on Purple Mash once you are confident!

Thank you for your focus and determination!!!

Mrs H xx