Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 17th March 2021

Here is your home learning for this week.

Don’t forget to use Time Table Rockstars, AR reading (you can quiz at home) and IXL to support your learning.

Maths - IXL Year 6 CC.4

Can you find the area of a triangle? We have worked really hard at this in class this week and you have all mastered this skill. Now it is time to consolidate this using IXL.

Area of a triangle = (base x height) ÷ 2

Spelling - can you learn these words ending in ial? Don’t forget to complete your dictation task on Purple Mash too

Spelling 17th March.PNG

Science - What are the effects of exercise on the human body?


We have looked carefully at our bodies and how each system within our body works but how do we keep it healthy?

Next week we will be completing a few investigations that look at the effect of diet and drink on our body, and exercise.

There are 3 links below that will take you to websites and videos. Watch them carefully then complete the piece of work set that explains to me the effects of exercise on our body.

I have set you a piece of work on Purple Mash. Think carefully about the detail that is needed to show me exactly what you can do.