This week...

This week we have been continuing with our investigations as well as concentrating on our number work, sounds, planting and growing, celebrating St. Patricks’ Day and making dens to tell the story of the Three Little Pigs. It’s been an exhausting week.

Our garden is beginning to look much tidier and we have planted a butterfly and bee patch, potatoes, sunflowers and our broad bean plants. If you have any plants that you would like to donate yo our garden we would be most grateful. We will try very hard to look after them!

On Tuesday we celebrated St. Patricks’ Day. We watched a short video about the story of St. Patrick and them drew and coloured pictures. Click here to watch the story.

We have played lots of number games this week and read many many stories associated with a number. On Wednesday the children acted out the story of the Three Little Pigs. The wolf was very scary!! Arghhhhhh!

We also introduced Numberblocks Number 6. Click here to watch! The children also enjoyed this episode all about holes. Click here. Also, here’s the Numberblocks version of the Three Little Pigs…enjoy! Click here.

Through the week the children have been playing number snap, fishing for sounds and hunting the number gingerbread! Those gingerbread men kept running away and hiding in the nursery and garden! Listen to Mr. Tumble telling the story here.

To tie in with our floating topic we had another bubble blowing afternoon. It was great fun. We watched our bubbles float off over the school roof. Some of the children blew enormous bubbles!!

It’s hard to believe we still had time to take part in even more learning and fun, but we did. Look at everything else we did this week!

Over the next couple of weeks we will be focusing on the Easter story. I have attached our plans to the button below for you to take a look at. Next week I will be posting more information.

Lastly, let’s hope the good weather continues and we can get out in the sunshine, we certainly need it. Enjoy your weekend and we look forward to seeing on Monday.
