Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Health is a relationship between your body and mind.'


If you have love and compassion then your heart is healthy and will shine brightly. I have such an enormous amount of respect for my class, they really are growing into such beautiful human beings who will go on and work wonders in our world. There has been a lot of opportunity, since we have been back together, for the children to work and collaborate together. Watching them interact, collaborate, share, discuss and work in unison is one of my favorite things to do. As disciples of Christ, sharing our love and compassion with our class and wider community is essential and it what makes Our Ladys a very special place to be.

As Holy Week approaches, the children have been busy creating what will be, a beautiful and thought-provoking reflection. They have done this together, in teams. We look forward to sharing it with you next Thursday. Here is a sneak preview of what we have planned.


The human body has been a real focus for us in recent weeks, but this week we have turned our attention to health and how we can keep healthy. Looking after our hearts and our body is crucial…it is the only one that we have. As a class, we have discussed the benefits of exercise and also the dangers of smoking and alcohol. I think we were all shocked by some of the findings from our research. The topic and conversation of alcohol can often be one with funny stories. However, we all realise that there are severe dangers with the use of alcohol as it can alter decision making process and harm us in ways that we may not realise. The children are continuing to look at health for homework and the effects of caffeine on the body. Please enjoy some photographs of our exciting and informative science from this week.

What have we learnt this week?

  • English - This week we completed our piece of writing on the Piano and gathered a lot of content for our next piece. We watched Jesus of Nazareth from Palm Sunday through to the Ressurection. Although this was emotional to watch, we learnt more about Jesus’s sacrifice. Next week we will be writing Jesus’s Journey to the Cross with flashbacks to key events of Holy Week.

  • Maths - Shape has continued to be our area of learning as we moved onto volume. The children are developing their understanding of the properties of shape and the differences between 2D and 3D dimensions. Have a look at the photos below which show how we used multi link to create 3D shapes and understand volume.

  • RE - During Holy Week, we really see the characteristics of Jesus that show him to be God and human. By looking at bible references, the children were able to discuss these events.

  • PE - We love PE days! In gymnastics we have been creating group sequences with a focus on balances. In cricket, the children have been learning how to bowl overarm. Next week, we will be able to have a mini tournament to bring our term to a close.

Celebrating our learners

Focused Learner - Francesca

Francesca gets herself thoroughly involved in all learning in class. It does not matter what the task is, her presentation and effort is always 100%. She smiles constantly and supports each and every partner that she works with. Well done Francesca!

Enthusiastic Learner - Gabriel

This week, Gabriel has been extraordinary! There is lots that I could celebrate about him: his wonderful contribution to writing; deep thinking in maths; super science research and amazing results in his Star Reader assessment, increasing his reading age by a whole 2 years! So proud!

Times Table Rockstars - WE ARE LOVING ROCKSTARS and it has had a fantastic impact on our times table knowledge. There is a whole school leader board being run and we hold the top 3 places.

1st Place - Reuben. Answering questions in 0.78 seconds

2nd Place - Jakub. Answering questions in 1.37 seconds

3rd Place - Dylan. Answering questions in 1.45 seconds.

I have emailed all of the children to their Purple Mash emails, their very own heat map. This shows exactly which tables the children are the quickest in and which ones need more practise. Why not take a look?

Since the children have come back to school, I have been on a secret mission to collect house points when I have spotted kindness, compassion and excellent learning. The children are now collecting house points for themselves to add onto my totals. Next Thursday, the winning house will win a own clothes day. I will text the winning house on Wednesday. Let’s see who wins!

Next week, our attention will turn fully to Holy Week and the theme of Hope. We have so much that we are hopeful for, the Easter Story is a perfect vision of this.

We will finish for Easter next Thursday at normal times: 3.15pm for Marsden and Harcourt and 3:30pm for Bamber and Plessington.

Here is to a weekend full of sunshine.

God bless

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster