Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassion of its members.'

We have made it, and I am incredibly proud of each member of our community.

I am so very excited to be welcoming our class family back together again on Monday. There will be lockdown stories, key events that have happened and an awful lot of learning to discuss. I am usually one to keep chatter to a minimum in class but I must say, I cannot wait to hear all of the giggles and conversations that will be had between the children come Monday. Next week will be about reuniting friendships and bringing the class together; helping everyone to feel safe and secure again. I have planned some art and quite a bit of discussion lessons to give the children the chance to reconnect.

Please make sure that you have read the guidance that is on the website, especially around staggered starts. The gates will close at 8.35am each morning once the first houses are in and then the second gates will close at 8.50am once the second houses are in. Can you also complete the walking home form to let me know if your child is being collected or they are allowed to walk home. It will help with the planning for next week.

I cannot say it enough, a HUGE THANK YOU for going above and beyond to support your children at home and in school. This has not been an easy time but please take comfort in knowing what a wonderful job you and your children have done. All of the class have continued to learn, make progress, read, write, calculate and be connected. They could not have done that with our the love and compassion that you have all provided. As the children come back into school on Monday, love and compassion will be our main focus as we continue to explore the virtues. We really need to think Christ like and try to ensure that our actions and words are spoken with Jesus in mind.

This week, as part of World Book Day, I asked the children to write about HOPE. I urge you all to spend 10 minutes of your time to read the children’s visions of hope; they are absolutely beautiful. Every child has taken the notion of hope and have written about it in such a considerate way. These pieces of work will be displayed in the entrance to the school. Please click on the image above to be taken to a display board of the children’s work.

Next week we will be starting a unit of work on film narrative. Some of the films that we will be watching are a PG. Often PG films contain mild language or scenes that some children may find mildly distressing. If anything does occur we will always discuss them in the context of the film within class. If you are uncomfortable with your child watching a PG film, please do let me know.

Celebrating LEARNING

Well done to Reuben, Kyla, Archie, Casey and Darcey who have all shown what independent and resilient learners they are. All of these children have managed remote and school learning with such determination, they have excelled themselves. Well done to you all!

Reminders for next week:

PE kit.PNG
  • Pencil cases and reading books can be brought into school next week. They will be quarantined before the children can access them. Some children left their pencil cases in school and they are here ready for them.

  • PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure that the children are in the correct PE kit. I have added a list here.

  • Homework will start again with key spellings to complete. Homework will go out on a Wednesday to be handed in on a Tuesday.

Have a lovely weekend, hopefully the sun will shine.

God bless

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster