Year 6 Easter Reflection - "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE."

All we need, all we need is hope
And for that we have each other
We will rise

As we finish school today for Easter, I am reflecting on a week that has been filled with prayer. We have become thoroughly immersed in the passion of Christ and what it means for us here on Earth. I hope that our interpretation of the Easter story, through photographs, words and art has given you a chance to spend time on your own spiritual journey to the cross and to rejoice in the eternal life that we have been given. The words that the children have spoken throughout the film, are their own words. They worked together to provide a commentary to their part of Holy Week. Such powerful words from the voices of children so young. I do firmly believe that we all need hope and that through all this we have had each other. As a result…we have risen!

To complete our film narrative unit of work, the children have been writing flashback narratives of Jesus’s final journey to the cross. Some of the children have chosen to share their work from their books. Please click on the button below to read their work. When we come back, I will be asking the children to type this up so that they have their own copy of this deeply reflective piece of writing to keep at home.

Look ahead to the Summer term, and with the guidance remaining the same, I am keen to develop opportunities for the children in their final 12 weeks at Our Ladys school. I hope to be able to give you an indication of our adventure week and the costings involved shortly after half term.

We have continued to prepare ourselves for high school this week by talking about how we can keep safe whilst we are there. Transition is so important for the children and I know they have lots of important questions still to ask. This will be carefully nurtured and discussed along with growing up conversations. If anybody has any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Home Learning

Thank you for your response to learning this half term, the standard of the children’s work has greatly improved. We are aware that some families have asked for further support during the holidays. Mrs Hotchkiss has created a home learning blog that all of the children can access. This can be found on the home learning page of the Year 6 website.

I just have one task for the children to complete…to watch a film (popcorn optional). We will be moving on classic fiction after half term (The Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang). I would like the children to watch a classic film over half term…something that they consider to be a classic and to then write a film review on Purple Mash. We will be sharing these the first day back.

I am so incredibly proud of each member of the class. The children have continued to amaze me on a daily basis with how they respond to teaching, challenge and how they are so excited to learn in each and every situation.

Our wonderful learners

At the end of each half term, the children vote for their learner of the half term - we cannot possibly choose. I asked the children to think about children who have really excelled since coming back and have quickly got into the swing of school life again.

Congratulations to Chloe and Callum-Sean!

I think we all need some much needed family time over the next week and a chance to recharge our batteries as we move forward into the final term.

I continue to be grateful for our class family; the support we provide for each other; the love and compassion and the feeling of community.

We wish you all a very happy and restful Easter.

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster.