"Making mistakes simply means you are learning faster"

WOW! What an amazing start to the new term we have had in Year 2! The children returned to school after the Easter holidays very refreshed and ready for the term ahead. Not only did they seem at least an inch taller (so many have certainly grown!), but they seem to have developed so much in maturity and kindness too. The class have been so focused this week and we seem to have got through lots and lots of super learning!

In maths we have continued our fraction learning and the children are now able to recognise unit and non-unit fractions. We have chatted lots about the importance of slowing down and taking our time in maths this week as many of the questions we are completing often require much deeper thinking. Instead of quantity, we are going for quality, and I must say, this is certainly something the children are now thinking much more carefully about.

We have continued working hard on our handwriting this week and ensuring that our beautiful presentation carries through in all of our work and all of our books. We have also all been hooked on George’s adventures in ‘George’s marvellous medicine’, so much so that we started creating our own marvelous creations on Wednesday. We shared all of the gruesome and terrible things that we would put in our medicine for Grandma. We then thought carefully about all of the verbs, adverbs and adjectives that we could use when writing instructions for our medicine; I was amazed by how many the children came up with! This morning we then used our bank of ideas to write our instructions for making our own medicine. I am very much looking forward to reading these over the weekend, although I know that some might just make me feel a little queasy!

Here are a couple of examples for you to enjoy! Well done Faye, Ben and Niamh - you worked exceptionally hard on this piece of writing!

The children showed how much they have grown this year as they worked in small groups to plan their own child led prayer and liturgy sessions on Tuesday. Each group decided on a focus for their worship and chose the hymns, readings and resources they would like to use. This now means that one of our class prayer and liturgies each week will be led by the children in the chapel. We are all very much looking forward to the first one on Monday.

Well done Year 2 - such a successful first week to the summer term!

Let’s Celebrate

What a successful week of learning you have had Luke.  Your enthusiasm has shone through in all of our lessons as you have listened carefully to teaching and completed so much brilliant work independently.  Your positivity has been a joy to see and I think even you have been surprised by just what you can achieve when you put your mind to it.  I am so proud of you Luke! 

Pippa, what an amazing mathematician you have been this week!  Your focus has been sensational during whole class teaching and you have completed lots of our different challenges during independent learning.  You have tried really hard to problem solve this week.  You have read questions really carefully and picked out the key information needed to solve the puzzles successfully. Well done Pippa – if I ever need any help with numbers, I know where to go!   


Hopefully the weather will continue to grow warmer as the weeks pass by, but as we can’t predict the English weather, please ensure that your child comes to school prepared for any eventuality. Even the sunniest of mornings may lead to an afternoon of rain, so rain coats are a must as playtimes still go ahead in the rain. If it is a hot day, please ensure that your child applies sun cream before school, and if required, has a small bottle with them to reapply at lunch. Sun hats can also be worn at playtimes, but no sun glasses please.

PE days are Wednesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor). Children must have their shorts with them on indoor PE days.

Keep a look out for information regarding this term’s virtual parents’ evening.

Home Learning can be found on the Year 2 Weekly Home Learning page. Here you will also find this week’s spellings to learn.

Have an amazing weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team