What a lovely week we have had full of excitement and teamwork! We have enjoyed sunshine, giggles and so many deep learning experiences.
RHE learning
This week we learned a story about a land where everyone shared friendship tokens with each other… until one old lady came along to spoil the harmony. Whispering and turning others against each other - the land became unfriendly until one child recognised the pain behind the old troublemaker’s eyes and showed compassion. We learned about how we can keep our class friendly and build relationships by giving tokens of friendship such as forgiveness, compliments, including others and being fair and just. By treating everyone in this way, more and more friendship tokens are produced! Here are some children role-playing the story below.
Tuesday was very exciting! To launch our Science topic on Solids, liquids and gases children worked in teams to make ice-cream! It was a success! We lowered the freezing point of ice by adding salt - then added our ice-cream mixture to the inner bag. Then the fun part - ten minutes of shaking vigorously! Complete with sprinkles - the perfect ice-cream!
Other highlights include writing super stories about ‘The Dragon Slayer,’ deep understanding in maths with fractions and children making videos defining what makes something a solid and what makes something a liquid.
This week we have started worships led by the children. Jack, Lena and India led a beautiful class worship about how Jesus cares for us and used the story of ‘The Lost Sheep.’ It was a lovely experience.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, Mrs Lyons needed to give out 3 certificates! A Focused AND enthusiastic learner certificate went to Jess for always participating with joy in her learning and remaining focused so she could write her whole story.
A Brave and improving learner certificate went to Jayden this week for trying so hard to have a go and improving his participation.
Finally a Focused AND improving learner went to Max because he has shown massive improvement in his maturity and concentration. You are becoming such a good learner!
Well done children!
Music stars this week were the whole class - absolutely brilliant said Mrs Maddocks!
PE stars this week go to a group of brilliant listeners who are determined to try their best: Julia, India and Jacob M. Well done!
Please could we have a big push on completing homework on time and handing in on Thursday. There will be 10 class hugs if everyone does their full homework! I always set activities which reinforce what we have learned in class. We are focusing this last term on mastering spellings, handwriting and ticking along maths skills, so we are ready for year 5.
The sun is out! The flowers are growing! Enjoy your weekend and have a lovely time. Good luck to our parents that are completing the three peaks challenge!
God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Forster.