Homework this week to be completed in Homework book and handed in on Thursday 22nd April
Please practise the spellings for your group using the ‘spelling scribble’ example below. Make it bright and colourful! If this is a bit to haphazard for you, feel free to make a different colourful picture to practise them.
2. Then write 5 good sentences including your spelling words in your book. Make sure the sentences are in your best handwriting and you choose interesting vocabulary to complete - be creative. (use this activity as handwriting practice too!)
(If you worked with Mrs Lyons on spelling this week, you are Green group. If you worked with Mrs Mather on spellings you are white group.)
Green spellings
ever every friend eye laughed really what where which quick
White Spellings
awkwardly frantically curiously obediently carefully rapidly unexpectedly deliberately hurriedly reluctantly (do you know what they all mean?)
Enjoy at least half an hour each day of reading at home - especially at the weekend!
Collect any words from your reading you do not know the meaning of - look them up in a dictionary and keep a journal of these words so you are building your vocabulary. The more words you understand when reading and learning in your life, the easier everything will become!
TT Rockstars practice - build up your speed.
We have started our new Science topic - The Three States of matter.
Can you work with a grown up to make water into three states - solid, liquid and gas?
What did you do? Record in homework book.