Year 5 Home Learning (homework) to be handed in on Thursday 22nd April

It is wonderful be together again as a whole class. Mrs Nel and I are loving being back in class. Please ure enjoy these home learning tasks which will reinforce and support the learning in class.

READING - we all have new targets for this half term. There are many wonderful books on the go in class - please continue to read before bed every night - no better way to finish the day!

SCIENCE - Science has dominated the week this week. We have explored the Universe! We have already discovered so many new facts and the children have loved it - quote one excited child" “My mind is blown!” During the science lessons we made different model of the Solar system and for their home work they have to complete one more. This is an order model with Research. This is a chunky homework so I have set it for 2 weeks. You will need to complete the research (internet) on each fan (be accurate and neat and clear). Complete the colours too - be accurate all scientists build accurate models. Return your fan next week on the following week (29th April)

Fans handed out in class


English - Firstly learn the following spellings. These are conjunctions we use when we write explanatory text:

Firstly secondly penultimately, finally, because of this, subsequently, consequently

Now pop onto Purple Mash - I have set you a MASH CAM of an astronaut. I would like you to take a picture of yourself and then write an EXPLANATION of the Universe and using what we have learnt tis week and the conjunctions you have learnt to spelling (a bit like a summary!)

Find your task in Purple Mash

Find your task in Purple Mash

MATHS - This week we have explored improper and mixed fractions. We have discovered that are table knowledge is crucial. Some children have now reached level 420 others are not there yet. The children need to do the following:

1) If you are working towards 420 continue (no short cuts I’m afraid) - 5-10 everyday at home on top of school

2) At level 420 but still slower at division facts - jam using the division button (5-10 day or a long 30 mins sessions)

3) Got it applying with confidence - complete all the IXL form the grid below for the four operations

Have fun!