Super heroes assemble!!

A super fabulous start to a the summer term. The children were soooo excited for our new learning thread….super heroes!

We kicked off the week by discussing super powers. Everyone chose their favourite power and shred with the group why they chosen it. X- ray vision was very popular although Clare’s teleportation power took some beating!

We are learning a song all about Amazing super heroes and their super powers: click here to sing along at home! I wonder what would your super power be?

We then decided that we should get our super hero play box out. What fun! We wore cloaks (some of them were invisibility cloaks), masks (some mask could freeze you!) and x-ray vision glasses! Have a look at our photos !

On Tuesday Super Croccy came to nursery. There was huge excitement when the door bell rang! He had a mission for us all to join in with. A puppy had got stuck up the tree in the garden. How would we get it down, what powers would we need? It took us ages to solve the problem.

We then read the story of Super Tato. Click here to listen.

If you fancy getting involved here is a mission for you to do at home! Don’t forget your cloak!

We then thought it would be a great idea to make a HUGE Spiderman web. You had to be very careful not to tough the web in case you woke up the spider in the tree. Arghhhhh!

Next, we made smaller webs on the chair legs for the small world super heroes. Beware of ‘Alligator’.

Clare made a super hero assault course. It was very tricky and we had to be brave and keep trying.

What a week! We are all exhausted! All this on top of our number and sounds work, watering the garden, water painting the walls and generally having a jolly good time at nursery! Phew! You better have a rest over the weekend we have another full on week next week!

May I say a big thank to everyone who has donated items from our wish list. Your support of nursery is greatly appreciated. Also, WELL DONE for firstly remembering to bring your sunflowers back to nursery and for your fabulous nurturing of the seeds. Some have grown very tall. I feel maybe some healthy competition has been afoot. Monty Don would be proud. The seeds we planted in the garden have only just started to germinate! The beans and strawberries are doing well though.

It has been lovely to see the children happy to be back at nursery. As we enter the final term of the year we have noticed how much the children have learnt and grown in confidence. We are so very proud of them all.

Finally, have a lovely weekend, try not to go too mad now the shops, bars….and hairdressers are opening up! Enjoy the sunshine and we will see you all on Monday, but remember to stay safe.
