Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.'

‘We are off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!”

It has been lovely to welcome all of the children back this week for their final term at Our Ladys. The sun has shone and we have been able to get outside and have fun with each other. Throughout this half term, we are continuing to explore the virtues of love and compassion. We are aware that for all of the children, a change will be happening in their lives come September. It is really important that we continue to look after each other and to treat everyone with kindness and compassion. This week I have met with each child individually. I have really enjoyed having a little conversation, getting to know what their thoughts and feelings are for this final term together. No question is an insignificant question so please do let me know if anything arises at home. Have a conversation with your child about their 1:1 chat with me. The children were very honest and have a clear understanding about their targets for the final term.

Please make sure that you visit Miss Hornby’s blog on the website today to see our plans for this half term.


What have we been learning?

English - This has been centered around the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. We have started to read the novel and have specifically looked at the cyclone scene. The children have started to write some dramatic poetry. I am hoping to be able to share this with you next week.

Maths - We are fast becoming masters of missing angles in Year 6. We have been finding angles within a right angle, straight line and around a point. Next week, the protractors will be coming out.

RE - The children have been applying their understanding of newspaper reports to their RE work and the Ascension of Christ. We have looked a the role of the disciples and how we can become young disciples in today’s world.

Geography - We are so blessed to be living where we do. This lends itself beautifully to our new geography unit of work on coasts. We have started to look at erosion and deposition. Why not visit the coast this weekend?

Celebrating Learning - Well done to Sol and Annabelle

This week has been a hive of enthusiastic learners in class and I am really proud of them all! Sol has really pushed her participation in class this week, contributing to all lessons. Your confidence is great Sol….well done!

Annabelle just gets on with everything and takes it in her stride. Nothing is too much bother for her! Well done Annabelle.

Next week I will be able to give you the timetable and costing for the Year 6 Adventure Week in school. We are all very excited!

Have a lovely weekend with your family.

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster