Year 5 Homework/Home Learning to be handed in 6th May


Please continue to read daily. We are at the halfway point for this term so we need to keep our reading target in mind.

Maths IXL

In school we have tried to complete the following fraction modules on IXL: S1, S2, S3, S4, S11, S17, S18. There is not always enough time to complete them. Could you spend some time catching up with these if you need to.

If you have completed the above, please check out the four operation modules and check which ones you still have to do. Don’t spend too long maybe two 25 min sessions.


On Purple Mash you will find a fact file to complete on Galileo. He was a very important scientist/astronomer - someone we can refer back to as we explore space further!

As you will have noticed from the weekly class blog we were joined via zoom my members of the RSC (Royal Shakespeare Company). The children were introduced to the story of a Midsummer Nights Dream. I promised to place a link to the BBC production for children on the homework this week. I hope you enjoy watching it. We will be studying the play late this year once we come back from space!

Have a lovely long Bank Holiday weekend