Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Communication is what makes a team strong.'

I really think that if I was not present in class this week, the children will have carried on anyway and will have still produced some outstanding work. We have really found our independence in class and have fine tuned the ability to manage time efficiently. Each afternoon this week, the children have been working in groups to bring to life their Kansas vision in the form of a film. Having given them all the brief for the film and the roles that the children needed to take: script writers, director, props & creative and camera & lighting, the children ran with it.

We have been looking ahead to high school and the skills that the children will need to continue to grow there. Communication, team work, leadership and time management are all essentials - I am really proud of the children. I have found a really informative set of lessons on transition to high school that I am going to start to deliver next week as part of our RHE curriculum in class. They will enable the children to ask questions and to get themselves into the right mindset ready for their next chapter.

The lessons are called ‘Be Awesome, Go Big,’ and are based on two children’s books: You are Awesome by Matthew Syed and Go Big by Matthew Burton. I have ordered a copy of these books for class. These lessons provide information, tips and questions to help you open up discussion with your child about the transition and help prepare them for starting secondary school. There are also some parent modules to complete; I will post these each week on the website.

This all links in beautifully with our RHE unit of work on Community. Created to Live in Community will explores our relationship with the wider world. Here we will explore how human beings are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good.


Leading Learners.

This week I had to choose one of the wonderful groups for the learning certificates. This group had a totally unique selling point on their film and followed the organic process. I loved watching them collaborate, learn new skills and work together as a complete team.

Well done Ethan, Rhys, Zofia, Isabella and Daisy

Upcoming Dates and Information

  • Homework is due in on a Tuesday.

  • PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that the children have their full PE kit.

  • Wednesday 19th May - Play auditions for the children. They will be given time with the script that week to prepare their scene and audition.

  • May half term - lines to be learnt ready to start rehearsing the play.

  • Monday 7th - Friday 11th June - YEAR 6 ADVENTURE WEEK! Payment for this is due by 1st May. If anybody would prefer to pay in installments, please contact the office and Mrs Hodges will help you.

Enjoy your bank holiday weekend.

God bless

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster