Another busy week in Year 3. There has been much enthusiasm and lively buzz in the classroom. We love to see the children enjoying their work and growing their brains.
Maths has been all about finding fractions of amounts and shapes, equivalent fractions and ordering fractions too. The children have really had to use their tables facts to help them with their work this week. All that practising on TT Rockstars is really making a difference. Keep up the good work children. In English there has been a race to try and reach reading targets. As you can see we are celebrating two children reaching theirs this week and I know that other children will be reaching theirs next week as they are soooooo close to getting there. Lots of reading over the weekend perhaps?? This week in our non-fiction topic of the Roman Empire we have been picking out important information in texts, we have been asking and answering questions, writing lots of different complex sentences and creating our own black out poetry. We are also making sure that we are really checking on our punctuation, presentation and spelling, especially when we are copying words from the board or books. This can be quite a tricky skill to make sure that it is done accurately. In RHE, we have thought about how God loves us so much and how He knows exactly what we are doing, wherever we are. In RE we have looked at the story of the Road to Emmaus and how the disciples realised that they had been talking to Jesus. We have been listening carefully to what God is saying to us and what He wants for us in our liturgy sessions this week. In science we have continued our work on magnets and have been looking at the force field that magnets display.
Let’s Celebrate:
This week we celebrate Lily-Mae, Franek, and Evan who have achieved their 100% reading target. Lots of super reading from both of you. Well done - keep up the good work!
We are also celebrating Christian who receives an enthusiastic Bobby Bee certificate for his enthusiasm and resilience when learning. You are really growing in confidence Christian and we are so proud of how you always try so hard to do your work. You are always so eager to complete your work and to learn new things. Well done. Keep up the good work. Owen you receive a Roger Robin certificate for being such a super learning partner and a thoughtful and considerate member of our class. You are always so willing to help others and always do it with a lovely smile on your face. Well done Owen and thank you.
Well done also to Jay who got Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners and also to Lily-Mae who got Role Model of the week. Well done children, we are so proud of you.
Things to Note:
Please check the Home Learning page for this week’s home learning. Thank you.
As the weather starts to improve, please make sure that all sweatshirts/cardigans/tracksuits are labelled so that they can be returned easily if they are taken off and put down. Thank you.
Please can we also ask that all children have a water bottle so that they can have a drink during the day. If the weather is going to be sunny, please ensure that the children have sun hats and sun cream on for playtimes. Thank you.
I am looking forward to being able to share your child’s progress with you at our virtual parents meeting which takes place in May. Miss Hornby’s blog explains how to sign up for this. Please ensure that you have signed up. Thank you to all of you who have already signed up.
We hope that you all have a lovely, long weekend. Hopefully we will have some sunshine.
Take care and stay safe,
The Year 3 Team
Miss Brisco, Miss Edmondson and Miss Woodrow
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