"Like so many things, it is not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside that counts" - Aladdin

The children have grown their brains in so many different ways this week! From working co-operatively in outdoor PE to completing some super creative writing in English - it has certainly been a jam packed week! Playtimes have been filled with such kindness and compassion, which has been lovely to see. The class are really thinking carefully about the strategies they can use in order to solve problems independently and are treating each other with great respect. Thank you Year 2 - it has been a delight to be on the playground with you this week!

Our Aladdin English unit continues to be filled with reading, writing and drama as we delve deeper into the adventures of the characters. We’ve now been introduced to the Genie, and my, what a character he is! The Genie’s friendship with Aladdin and how he explains that ‘you’ll never have a friend like me’ got us thinking about our friendship with others. We then used lots of verbs ending in ‘ing, such as sharing, laughing, running and helping to help write our very own ‘you’ll never have a friend like me’ poems.

Maths has been filled with measuring this week. We have learnt how to measure using non-standard units of measurement before then moving onto measuring in centimeters and meters. The children are becoming much more accurate at estimating the length and height of objects before then using the correct tool to help them to measure accurately.

RHE has been crammed with many discussions this week as we built on our previous learning about good secrets and bad secrets. This then lead into learning about our body parts and which parts of our bodies are private. We sang the Pantosaurus song which gave us some great strategies to use if we ever feel uncomfortable or worried. Finally, the children drew some lovey pictures of the people who they trust and who they feel they can go to if they ever want to share a worry. Year 2 - it is wonderful to have such sensible and knowledgeable children in the class. Well done! Please find the Pantosaurus song below - I’m sure the children would love to sing it with you and tell you all about the important messages we have learnt.

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our virtual parents’ meetings this week, and thank you for being so honest and open. I hope that you managed to ask everything you wanted, but if the time did cut us off (it seemed to fly by!), please do not hesitate to send me an email.

Let’s Celebrate

It has been amazing to see so much creativity oozing from you since starting our Aladdin focus story Faye!  You have listened carefully to the story and have participated enthusiastically in drama activities to show your understanding.  The writing you have been completing has been superb!  It has been brimming with newly learned vocabulary and you have been thinking really carefully about the structure of your sentences.  Keep this up Faye – you should feel very proud!

What a focused Cooper Crab you have been this week Jacob!  You have listened so carefully during whole class learning and it has been great to see you putting your hand up to share your ideas.  You have started your independent learning straight away which has led to you completing an amazing amount of work over the week.  Your books have been an absolute pleasure to mark; it is clear to see just how much effort you have been putting in!  Well done!


House points for this term will be counted up on Thursday night and the winners can come to school wearing their house colours/own clothes on Friday.

School closes for the half term holidays at the normal times of 12:45pm and 1:00pm on Friday 21st May.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families.

God Bless,

Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.