" One small step for man one giant leap for mankind!" N. Armstrong

Thank you everyone for meeting this week virtually. If there is one thing missing from this year -it is the small conversations/nods we are usually able to have on a daily bases. Even though we haven’t seen a lot of one another, we have managed to communicate via email, but it was good to talk!

Well this week has been dominated by fractions again!! We have been comparing them and really reasoning about how we know which fraction is bigger/smaller than the next! Next week we start adding and subtracting fractions - always fun! In English we have explored the planet Pandora - an exciting imaginary place in a far off galaxy! To help us include wonderful descriptions in our writing, we have learnt all about extended noun phrases. We didn’t stop there though, we also explored how to use a simile to open a sentence- all this hard work led to an “independent write” describing Luke Skywalker’s planet of Tatooine! In RE we wrote newspaper articles about one of Jesus appearances and we pondered on the Ascension of our Lord. In Science Mrs Nel taught the children all about the phrases of the moon- this answers that nagging question about why the moon is always different shapes! Mrs Mallinson returned for music and the children were challenged with a composition task and Mrs Curtis had a very successful textile lesson! The class love sewing sooo much they have asked us to buy a sewing kit for playtime and lunch! I’ll let you know how we have get on!

Finally, instead of class council we had an RHE (relationships and health education) lesson. Together we explored the difference between play dates and online play. The children had a lot to share and we have agreed to explore some of the well being issues raised next week. We also shared what was best about home life and the children were all keen to express how they felt “accepted at home, able to be myself and how lovely it is to spend time with family.”

Have a lovely weekend!


The grow your brain certificates this week went to: Daniel, Elise and Jessica - well done for shining so brightly- the whole class are like a constellation- it is hard to go that extra mile!


Next week is the final week of the half term - can you help your child to reach their reading target especially if they are really close.

Have a lovely weekend

From the whole team in Year 5