Keeping Our Learning Ticking Over - Year 2

You have all worked incredibly hard this term Year 2 and you all deserve a big rest and brain break over the half term holidays! However, I do know just how eager you are to learn and for some of you, two weeks might just be a little too long to go without a little hard work. Therefore, below I have put together a selection of different activities that you can dip in and out of to keep your learning ticking over. These activities are not compulsory and can be done in any order. You may only manage to complete one, you may complete them all … I’ll leave that to you. The activities I have chosen will consolidate learning that we have already done in class, so none of it is brand new. Reading is by far the most important skill to keep ticking over. Read with different family members, read in the garden, read in the car and read before bed. Read, read, read! Remember to enjoy stories being read to you too or take it in turns to read a page at a time.

Have a wonderful rest Year 2 and enjoy spending lots of special time with the people you love.


As mentioned above, one of the most important skills to keep ticking over is reading. Don’t forget the quizzing is still open for you to do at home. So why not read a book and see if it does have a quiz on the system? All points will go towards your reading target!


I haven’t set any words to learn over the holidays that will be quizzed on when we return. However, below I have attached a brilliant spelling game for you to play. You can select Year 2 as the year group and choose which spellings you would like to practise.


The website below is also brilliant for practising a range of different reading and writing skills.


The activities included in the booklet below revisit some of the skills we have looked at in class this year.

English IXL

Have a look at L - sentences. Which unit have you not completed? Have a go at completing at least one.

Again, have a look through the other units. Maybe you need extra practise reading a certain sound or using a specific skill. Have a look through and choose at least one section to complete.

Maths IXL

Have you completed all of the units in R - Measurement? If you haven’t, have a go at completing at least one.

Which other areas in maths do you need extra practise in? Have a look through and complete a section which will challenge your brain!

TT Rockstars

I know that you all absolutely love TT Rockstars, so keep playing over the holidays! I wonder who can change their rockstar status?

Food Technology


A message from Mrs Curtis:

Dear Year 2,
We would have normally done Food Technology this half term, but due to the pandemic we were unable to do so.

Your half term homework is to complete one of the recipes we would have done in class.

Yours is milkshake.

Email me a photo or two of you making and eating your recipe.

Have fun and be safe. You will need adult supervision for this.

Happy cooking,

Mrs Curtis

Have a wonderful holiday,

Miss Woodend