Year 6 Weekly Blog - ' “There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty.”

Thirty hopeful and slightly nervous children entered the classroom this morning, eager to see which part they had been given in the end of year play. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of all of the children this week. For some children, they took a huge leap into the unknown and really faced their fears of performing and singing solo. I cannot wait to start putting this production together.

The children have all been given their parts and I will release the cast list after half term once the children have had a chance to tell their own families. For now it all about line learning. The scripts that the children have are the skeleton scripts. These will be added to with more lines and songs once we get going. The children need to prepare for further lines once we start putting the production together.

Home Learning over half term

The children are now heading into a 2 week holiday and then an adventure week, meaning that it will be three weeks before we are formally back in class. To keep them ticking over during this time, I have set them the following learning:

  • Learn their lines for The Wizard of Oz.

  • To read Chapter 12 - 18 of The Wizard of Oz book (they each have their own copy in their bags).

  • Times Table Rockstars. We take on average, 3 seconds to answer a times table question. Can you get this below 2 seconds?

  • IXL Maths J12 and J13 - Fractions of a Number

  • ART and DT - Please visit Mrs Curtis’ class page to see your baking challenge.

Adventure Week

The first week back after half term is adventure week - we cannot wait. Below is a reminder of the timetable for the week and the balance for the week for those who need to pay.


It is important that the children have the correct kit and equipment for the week. Old clothes really are the best! I have given you a list of what kit is needed for each day. Please look at it carefully and let me know if there are any problems. I will remind the children each night of what they will need for the next day. Keep an eye on the weather too, this may alter kit. Each child will need a packed lunch for each day of the week that they can carry in their own backpack. They will need a water bottle for water as well. Two children have asked to have school packed lunches, the rest have said that they will bring their own.

I have had a couple of requests for the children to wear the leavers hoodies that they have bought. Having looked at the week and the activities that the children will be doing, the children can wear their leavers hoodie on the Tuesday to Water Parks if they wish. The other days risk damaging the hoodie and I would hate for that to happen. I will send an email over the half term confirming the requirements for the adventure week. Please do get in touch if there are any questions.

I am hoping that the children have a wonderful week, full of opportunities. Some of them will be nervous, but in Year 6, we feel the fear and we do it anyway! If your child needs a little more practise on a bike, please use these next two weeks. It is amazing what they can do in such a short period of time.

Kit List for Adventure Week.PNG

Leading Learners.

As always, the final certificates of the half term are voted for by the children in the class. I asked them to vote for two people who have been brave learners; who have taken opportunities; who have been risk takers and have seen the rewards.

Well done to Daisy and Oliver. You have both stepped out of your comfort zones this half term, in fact you have fully jumped. We are all very proud of you!

The final half term

As we venture into the final half term together, there will be lots of opportunities for the children to reflect on their life here but also to look forward to their new high school. More dates will be announced regarding transition. Please keep in touch with me if there is anything you need to discuss or need support with, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Have a wonderful half term holiday with your family. I look forward to spending the final half term together on our return.

God bless.

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster