Year 5 Summer Half Term Tasks - keeping our learning ticking over!

We have made it to the summer half term and the children certainly deserve a break!

It will be lovely to meet up with family and friends this holiday, so the whole team, here in Year 5, hope you have a fun time.

As we have missed school time this year we have set “ticking” over work to complete this holiday.

Tasks to keep those key skills sound and secure.


Always the best homework! The children have all selected books in class on the final day so they should have a cracking novel to devour when it’s raining outside!


We have spent a great deal of time exploring fractions over the past few weeks - as you will have noticed we have covered most of section S in IXL. We have moved onto adding fractions and I would like the children to complete the following units:

T1, T2, T7, T8 they do include subtraction which we haven’t covered in depth but subtraction is just the inverse of addition so I think you will rock it!


As you know we have been studying space in class which has spilled over to our English lessons. Science-Fiction is a fun genre and very different to other adventure stories. When we return after the holidays we will be writing our own version of ET and then another independent story about a robot (set in the future). I have explained this to the children and asked them to spend an afternoon watching the film. It can be rented online and I do believe it is on Prime Video.


There are other Sci-Fi films that are also worth watching to support your creative ideas here are just a few:


The Star Wars Trilogy

Planet 51

Back to the Future

Flight of the Navigator

Honey I shrunk the Kids

Have fun watching these children!!!


Grammar features large in class - it can be a very tricky aspect of the writing lesson. IXL English is intuitive and gives us the opportunity to over learn. Please have a go at completing the following sections:

Section G - Prepositions

Section H - conjunctions

Section I - Contractions


Sadly, we haven’t been able to complete our usual food technology lessons. Mrs Curtis has instead asked me to set one of the tasks for homework. Once you have completed the task please send her a photograph - before you eat it!!

Every child took home a hard copy of the recipe and I have also attached a copy here.


Finally - handwriting

The children have also brought home a Prayer Book. This is a book we will be adding to throughout the rest of the year. This is an opportunity to find family prayers you would like to copy into your book -

Copy them using your very best handwriting.

Have a lovely holiday - see you all in June!