"Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows"

What a wonderful week we have had back at school! It was lovely to hear that the children had such brilliant half term holidays recharging their batteries but were as enthusiastic as ever to be back at school ready for their final six weeks in Year 2!

This week has certainly been jam packed! In English we have continued reading our focus story ‘Aladdin’, where Aladdin has been granted his first wish of becoming a prince. Whilst watching clips of his procession, we picked out exciting noun phrases which we then used to write our own posters persuading people to come to the parade!

Maths has been very fun this week. We have been learning all about position and direction which has enabled us to be able to get outside and learn in the lovely sunshine. We have been directing each other using vocabulary such as left, right, forward, back, half turn and quarter turn. We then used our knowledge to help direct the bee bots in our classroom and to create our own game boards that our partners had to guide us around. I must say, it has been amazing to see such Co-operative Roger Robins working so happily together this week - well done Year 2!

We have also been out in the lovely sunshine practising for our sports afternoon which is taking place next week. I can’t wait to see all of the skills we have been developing over the year come together in such a great, team-spirited way! Unfortunately, we are unable to invite spectators to the event this year, but we promise to take lots of pictures for you to enjoy.

During RE, we had two final sessions focusing on the Pentecost. On Monday, the children were put into small groups and were given a short poem to act out. The groups were then left to create their performances independently. They decided who was reading, who was acting and who was making the sound effects all by themselves! Here are the final performances - for a completely independent activity, I hope you feel just as proud as I do! You really have grown so much this year children!

Let’s Celebrate

Rex, you should feel incredibly proud of all you have achieved in your work this week!  The standard of your work has been AMAZING and you have been thinking really carefully about your handwriting and presentation.  We both couldn’t quite believe that is was the same person’s work when we flicked back to September in your books this week.  Well done – you’ve put in so much effort which really shows in your work! 

My goodness, what a Curious Clara Clownfish you are Benjamin!  You always ask so many questions in order to find out more and your passion for learning is such a joy to witness each and every day.  Your super questions also encourage your friends in class to think deeper too.  Well done Benjamin – never lose this natural curiosity that you have! 


Due to sports afternoon, please can children come to school wearing their PE kits on Tuesday. We will be doing PE as normal on Wednesday but there will be no PE on Thursday. Normal days of Wednesday and Thursday for PE will resume after next week. Thank you.

A friendly reminder about water bottles and sun hats. Children should have both of these everyday. Please can children arrive at school with sun-cream on too.

A month or so ago, we entered the Young Writers poetry competition which you received a letter about yesterday. The children loved writing their poems and I was so proud of the creative writing they produced. However, after looking further into the competition, it has come to my attention that the competition are charging rather a lot for a copy of the published book. Please do not feel obliged to purchase one of the books. The school receive no money from these and it is entirely up to you whether you would like to buy one or not. I have explained to the children that we will receive a copy in school which we will read and celebrate together as a class. Please do get in touch if you have any further questions.

Enjoy the sunshine and have a lovely weekend!

God bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.