Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 11th June 2021

This week’s home learning is online.


I have set two tasks for you to complete on Purple Mash. The first is a little quiz which links to our position and direction learning. The second is to have another go on the 2GO app. I wonder if you can amaze your family with your super knowledge of position and direction vocabulary?

Maths IXL

Choose a section which will really challenge your brain!

TT Rockstars

Try and visit the TT Rockstar website for at least 3 minutes each day. Is anybody nearly ready for their next gig?


Read for at least 10 minutes each day.

I have set another 2DO for you to complete on Purple Mash. You are going to become Aladdin! What can you see and hear during your procession? How are you feeling? Remember to write your ideas in full sentences and don’t forget those descriptive noun phrases. Have fun changing Aladdin’s face to your own!

For example - “I can’t believe this is all for me! There are huge elephants thumping down the streets and people are dressed in the most wonderful, vivid clothes! … “

English IXL

Complete section T.1. If you’ve completed this section, choose another to complete.


Words ending in -ful

cheerful playful colourful painful joyful wonderful

Set 20

Mr Mrs half prove move improve