What a lovely, sunny first week back! Children have settled back in seamlessly to learning.
We have dived into our new topic about Vikings - discovering why they have such a bad reputation and whether it is justified. First, we turned our classroom into the English Saxon shore where we worked as Anglo-Saxon spies to discover what Viking boats were like. Then the class captured a Viking boat builder called Sven - who told us even more (Mrs Lyons was strangely nowhere to be seen!) Later on in the week we found out more about the Viking era and what evidence has shown us about what they were like. Next week we will write non-fiction books about them!
We have also begun our first week thinking of our of ‘Health and Happiness.’ We have been learning about Road Safety and the Green Cross Code. Children have learned about safe and unsafe places to cross and how to make sure you cross safely.
In maths, we are continuing to learn about shapes but also we are consolidating all Year 4 maths learning from this year. Children have also seen a return to French this week and thoroughly impressed Madame Jefferson with all they have remembered.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, our certificate winners are:
Lexi - you have had a super approach to your learning this week - taking responsibility for your own improvement by making notes and collecting spellings. You have received a Lizzie Ladybird certificate.
Thomas - again you have been so determined to do well with your learning this week. You have shown such enthusiasm for all learning so you have received a Bobby Bee certificate.
Kai - you have received a Roger Robin certificate for being such a sensible, mature young man and such a kind, supportive friend.
Our French star this week was Kiefer
PE stars are Jacob M and Amber. Super teamwork and effort!
Music stars this week went to everyone for being wonderful!
Next week we have our Sports afternoon on Wednesday. Children will be taking part in the usual sports day activities and will need water, sun cream and sunhat.
Therefore PE next week is on Tuesday and Wednesday for all the class - not Thursday.
Holy Communion takes place next Saturday 26th June and the following Saturday 3rd July. Father Peter came into school this week to speak to Miss Hornby regarding current church protocols. We will send out a letter with these protocols in place for you next week so you can be clear about what to expect.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Forster