ART NEWS… Week One
Welcome back after our lovely two week half term break. I hope you all had a wonderful time, the weather was fabulous.
Over the holiday I set a Food Tech Challenge, thank you to all the parents who spent time completing the challenges with their children and documenting them with photos, I have received loads and they are brilliant. If you have not sent them yet please do so, as I'm creating a lovely display of all our young chefs in action.
In Art…
Year one did some printmaking with clay, rolling and shaping and creating patterns with paint on the paper. Next week we move to printing with foam.
Year two started their new topic, collage. We looked at the artist Henri Matisse and discussed why he switched from painting to collage, we looked his famous collage ‘The Snail’ and had a go a one for ourselves tearing the paper not cutting. We learned about complimentary colours and were challenged to make a collage of a different animal using complimentary colours.
Year three finished their textiles topic this week by drawing on the dyed fabric we made a few weeks ago. Using marker pens, we created stunning designs, these have now gone home.
Year four started their collage topic with a look at how Matisse created figures from collage. We were challenged to make a body from paper, no scissors, only our fingers to tear. Then we had another go using a mannequin to guide us, the improvement was staggering.
Year five were challenged to show what they believed a collage was. Given only a piece of A3 paper and a box of different materials to use, everyone created a collage of their choosing subject. Great job year five.
Year six have had their Adventure Week, and what a week they have had. Today I had the pleasure of accompanying them to the beach for a morning of beach fun. The sun did not shine on us but the children had a blast, building sandcastles (I took my bucket and spade), playing football, cricket and even some metal detecting. Topped off with a fish and chip lunch, delicious!
First week over already, it has flown by. Have a great weekend and stay safe.
God bless
Mrs Curtis