We are happy to be back together again!

Welcome back! I trust everyone has had a restful break?

We have all hit the ground running this week, blessed with the glorious sunshine.

This half term we will be exploring and investigating the mini beast world. Have a quick look at our plans.

We began our investigation by watching a short video all about ‘What is a mini beast. Click here to watch. We decided that we already knew quite a lot! Everyone thought it would be a good idea to make a display using mini beats resources and factual books. These would help us to learn lots of new facts.

We then took the viewing tubs and magnifying glasses and went on a bug hunt in the garden.

As the weather was so warm we got distracted and hot so we all went paddling to cool down. Wow, that was such good fun, even though we did get very wet!!

To mirror our new learning of ‘lots of water’ Clare suggested painting shells so we could make an under water mermaid lagoon. Fabulous!

You can never have too much water play! Look at our fantastic water machine we made! The children worked so hard to join pieces of tubes and guttering together to direct the flow of water. Once more very wet, but great fun!

The children were very excited when we had a delivery of linking blocks to help with our number work. There are soooo many! We measured each other, made shapes and one friend counted the bricks to 33 all by themselves!

As has become a regular feature here are all the other activities and learning that has taken place at nursery this week. We made a sand café, mark making and picture making (a firm favourite), big building with soft shapes. physical activity practicing for Sports Day and then just having a jolly good time with our friends. I hope you enjoy looking at them.

Two final things to share with you.

Next Monday afternoon is Sports Day 1.30 -3.15 pm. All the children are invited to take part but I am sure you will understand that owing to Covid parents will not be able to attend. Don’t worry, we will take lots of photos. If it is not your usual session, please make sure that your child is in nursery no later than 1.15 pm and then collected promptly at 3.15 pm. Could all children please wear shorts, t-shirt, trainers and lots of sun cream!

Lastly, I would like to say a BIG welcome to Hannah who has joined the nursery team this week. She has been a huge hit with all the children, I’m certain your child will have told you all about her. Hannah will be working in nursery on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and all day Wednesday. When you see her say hello and introduce yourself.

Have a lovely weekend, I hear the weather is going to be fantastic! Fire up the BBQ!

The Nursery Team