Year 5 Home Learning - homework to be handed in Thursday 17th June


Please continue to make reading a joy and part of everyday life- a gift for life and the alchemy for learning.

The children will be taking their final STAR reader assessment in the next two weeks. This will give them a reading age and a new ZPD. It is goo to celebrate progress, especially from the beginning of the year. Please make reading a joy and part of everyday life.


Thank you for working through the units set during the holidays (T1, T2, T7, T8) - if you missed it would be great to catch up.

This week for our homework I would like the children to consolidate our work on AREA R6 and R7


TASK 1 - talkng it through:

This week we started our chemistry lessons (materials). Ask the children the following?

What happened to the butter and salt (separately) when they were place in a bag and then in hot water?

What happened when the butter and salt (separately) when they went straight into the hot water?

What happened to the salt and the butter when we stirred?

What is a solution?

What is dissolving?


At home I would like you to think about how you could take a spoonful of salt and water and make the salt dissolve at different rates (speed) How will you make it dissolve fast? How will you make it dissolve slowly?


Freeze your salty solution. Freeze your salt solution along side just water. What do you observe?

Complete your observations in your Purple Mash 2do’s

RE- Other faiths

In RE we will be studying other faiths. This is such an important part of our curriculum- investigating and understanding what people believe. We began with a celebration of the Holy Spirit and explored how this essence of God moves not only through Christians but other faiths too. I mentioned Humanism to the children. They were naturally curious. I promised to set some homework. In your Purple Mash you will find two Humanist tasks. Firstly read the PowerPoint, then complete the quiz.

Have fun!