“O Lord, you have searched me and you know me.”

We had a lovely lesson today (Friday). We were reflecting on how we speak to God. We practiced listening to others before we spoke privately to God - allowing him to listen. We then spoke about a vocation and that God calls us to him. Emma suggested that we should watch “Sister Act” the film, as there is a lovely scene in which the nuns share their calling to/by God. In our other RE lessons we linked the power of the Holy Spirit to God’s presence in all Religions and next week we explore in more detail what Hindus’ believe.

In Maths we have split the week between Area and Fractions I have been so impressed with the way the children have just picked up where we left off! In English we have been writing Sci-Fi stories based on the story of ET- very creative. Next week we will write our final story of the year - I can’t believe it is June already!

In art we began our collage projects and in science we were dissolving and melting (see homework and gallery below). In PE we had the opportunity to practice our Sports Day stations ready for next week!

The children certainly returned well rested and ready to learn!

Awards this weeks

Our Growth Mindset Certificates went to Olivia and James this week! Well done!!

Reminders for Next week

Sports day is on Thursday so we will need PE kit on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Please bring a water bottle every day and caps and sunscreen (applied before school) are important now the sun is out.

PRAYER BOOKS RETURNED TO SCHOOL - we will be adding prayers from other faiths now

Have a lovely weekend for the whole team in Year 5!