"Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up"

This week has been wonderful! The sun was shining for our sports afternoon on Tuesday, where the children competed with such enthusiasm and determination. The sportsmanship seen from the children was amazing! They graciously celebrated their wins and clapped for other teams in defeat, which was an absolute joy to witness. The scores were incredibly close, but a big well done to Harcourt who were the overall winners in Year 2! It was then AMAZING to be able to gather together as a whole school to celebrate the overall winners of all of the sports afternoons … Plessington! I hope you enjoy looking through the photographs below … such a great time was had by all!

In English we have now moved onto the magical carpet ride! As a class, we spotted that in the book that there has been a huge missed opportunity of describing all that Aladdin and Jasmine could see as they journeyed through new worlds! We then made it our mission to improve this with our own paragraphs! The children created some tremendous noun phrases on their very own magic carpets before using them on their writing plan. I can’t wait to see the writing that the children will produce from using these next week!

We finished our position and direction learning in maths and the children had great fun using the BeeBots once again, but this time giving each other instructions to follow. We can’t wait to use this new vocabulary and learning to help us when telling the time next week.

Community has been the important word in RE and RHE this week. We have thought carefully about the communities in which we belong and also discussed the word ‘neighbour’. Who are our neighbours? Are they just the people who live next door to us or is everyone is the world our neighbour? It was lovely to hear the children sharing such heart-warming stories about how they or their family members have helped their ‘neighbours’ in time of need.

Thank you for another week of super learning Year 2! Let’s enjoy these final four weeks together.

Let’s Celebrate

Thank you for being such an ‘Enthusiastic Bobby Bee’ in our classroom Isaac.  You are always so ready and eager to learn and you share such wonderful thoughts and ideas with the class.  Everything you do is completed with a huge smile on your face and you can never do enough to help in our classroom.  I have particularly enjoyed hearing your wonderful setting description ideas in English this week – the vocabulary you use never ceases to amaze me!

Gabriella, you have been trying really hard in lessons this week, particularly in your independent work!  You have got stuck into the activities you have been given and have worked through them slowly and carefully.  It has been wonderful to see you putting up your hand to ask for help and you have listened to and acted upon the feedback and advice given to you.  Keep this up Gabriella! 


You may or may not have noticed that Purple Mash now has a brand new look. To help with this and get us all confident with using the new interface before September, Mrs Gregan has created a little help video. This video will also explain all about the new parent portal. You will find this in the ‘How to help your child’ section of this page.

Please don’t forget sun hats, sun cream and lots of water for this lovely sunny weather we are having.

Have a great weekend!

God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team