Sports' Day Special!

As promised last week here is your Sports’ Day Extravaganza!

I know many of you were disappointed not yo have been able to attend our sporting event of the year but we have taken a huge amount of photos for you to get a ‘feel’ of the day. The children were very excited to be assigned a school ‘House colour’ to compete for.

We had:-

Red- Plessington

Blue- Harcourt


Everyone was super competitive, each team really wanted to win the cup!

Mrs. Greghan was our compere for the afternoon, the flags were up and we competed to the best sporting music from yesteryear! The scene was set!

Click on the button below to see all the vents we took part in!

Here comes the photos!

Didn’t we have fun! I do hope you manage to get a feel of what was a truly fantastic day. The children all loved joining the main school. In fact they are still talking about it! It was so much more exciting than the Euros!

You will be pleased to know that Miss. Lavelle (the Reception teacher), is as we speak compiling a video of all the Key Stage events from throughout the week (including Nursery). When it is complete I will post it for you all to watch!

Finally, I can announce the overall winner of the whole weeks events….it is Plessington. Well done Plessington!

It remains for me to say to you all, have a lovely, restful weekend. Perhaps you could do a mini Sports’ Day at home? Send me some photos!

The Nursery Team