"Put your heart, mind and soul into the smallest acts. This is the secret of success" Swami Sivananda

It is important for the teacher to stop and reflect on the children’s learning- this helps us to see what we need to do next. When I reflect on this week I am just blown away with the amount and quality of work we have completed.

In English we have all planned and written a whole Sci-Fi story. This story is set in the future, when a robot escapes a terrible fate! The children have been on a mission to apply the grammar skills they have learnt this year, including them in an entertaining way.

In maths we have mastered addition and subtraction of fractions. We can subtract mixed fractions with different denominators and those that need us to go beyond one too! Really tricky- but we did it and I’m so proud. The quality of the children’s explanations was just heaven!

As you can see for the image on this blog, we have studied Hinduism this week. We have watched films and discovered so much about this religion- the oldest world faith! We will be exploring its similarities to Christianity at the beginning of next week - then move onto Judaism.

Science has played a large part of the week too. We have made Solid, Liquid and Gas models using sweets which was followed by another lesson on solutions and dissolving- this has led to more questions which we intend to explore further next week. (see gallery below).

It was SPORTS DAY this week too. It was sad not to share this event with you. Miss Lavelle was busy taking images and film of us - we had a few technical hitches - but we have some great action pictures for you! We ran, jumped, cheered and threw with great enthusiasm. Every child gave it their all! Well done to Plessington as they won the Year 5 competition and they also won the overall school event!


So hard to select learners of the week- so much focus and hard work going on! These are the winners!

Penny, Jessica, Meadow, Faye


Well done!


Reminders for next week

Mrs Gregan has put together a Purple Mash guide for all parents. It shows you the new upgrade and how to access the parent portal. Please take a look and know how you can share your child’s Purple Mash work. The film can be found on our class blog in the “How to Help button” I have also linked it here for you.

Sun screen needs to be applied before school! It has been hot! Water bottles are essential those with ice are great.

Have a lovely weekend form the whole Year 5 team!