Art News… Week Two
What a fantastic week we have had at Our Lady’s. The weather has been amazing for our sports days, each bubble has had their own sports afternoon and on Thursday, the whole school came together for the first time since last March (socially distanced of course). It was rather emotional to see us as one again and it was brilliant. Mrs Gregan announced each bubbles house winners and then the overall winner… Plessington! what a thrill, we cheered, chapped and all joined in some dancing as we celebrated.
In Art…
Year one finished their printmaking topic with using some foam press print to create some fantastic printing. Next week we move on to our Textiles topic.
Year two recapped on complimentary colours and made some beautiful shapes in these colour partners, we could either tear or cut the paper to give us the shapes we needed.
Year three started their new topic, 3D. We used terracotta clay to make a shallow dish and made a stone coloured clay inlay, these were tricky and need some perseverance, which everyone had in bucket loads. These looked amazing and have already gone home to air dry.
Year four had part two of our Henri Matisse collage work. We used mannequins to pose a dance move and pairing them with our partners we used black paper and cut the relevant shapes for size and perspective.
Year five had an observational drawing lesson in their classroom as a whole class as group two’s lesson would have been Thursday (sports Afternoon) and they didn’t want to miss art. We made our own view finder and used them on sectioning parts of natural items such a fruit and leaves. We had to make them as realistic as possible and include all the little details.
Year six finally got to do part two of their Batik lesson (Half term and then adventure week, meant we have waited four weeks to complete them). All was worth the wait as we used special dye to paint over the wax leaves we did last session. These will then have the wax removed and the fabric mounted and stuffed, ready for display.
Have a wonderful weekend, lots of football to watch!
Stay safe and God bless
Mrs Curtis