Year 5 Home learning to be handed in on Thursday 24th June


What a busy week of learning we have had. A few children have already reached their 6 weeks reading target! Well done to them. Reading remains our number one home learning task! Please read daily.


Well done for working through those tricky “area” questions last week. This week it is T12 and T14. I was telling the class that they are the best pupils I have ever had for adding and subtracting fractions! It is because they are so confident with their table facts! Have fun with these units. Make sure you have paper and a pencil for quick jottings!

RE - World Faiths

This week we learnt all about Hinduism! It was really interesting! The children have already begun to look at the festival of Diwali independently. I would like them to visit the following link from the BBC (make sure you scroll down the whole page and read the whole page- watch the films too. Then complete the task in Purple Mash “Arayman’s Diwali”


Firstly I must apologise as the PM work I made for last week was not placed in the 2do’s. I popped it on this Thursday. It is there now for you to complete if you have time.

THIS WEEK : EVAPORATION - liquids can be changed into a gas through the process of evaporation. This is a process investigated in Year 4! To help you remember I have linked you to the lesson below (click on the image). Watch the film it asks you to complete two experiments at home. Send me a picture of your work via email (Purple Mash or We will pop your work into your science book!

Have fun!!