Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'We rise by lifting others.'

It really feels like we are having a proper Summer term in Year 6. There are the sounds of the play, independent working in class and the cheering of each other in sports day. We really haven’t stopped since we have been back after half term and I don’t think we will until the end of term. I cannot begin to tell you how much I am enjoying spending time with the children in their final half term - and the weather certainly helps!

Learning in class is a little different in the summer term. To allow for me to work in the hall with the children on the play, the children in class are tasked with planning their own learning (something that is essential for their life at high school). I am so proud of each of them as the work that they are producing is of the same standard that they have achieved this year, they have set the bar high. We are still having formal maths lessons as well. The children are really getting a combination of lessons and tasks to prepare them for the next step of their journey.

Purple Mash has been an essential part of our learning this year, and thank goodness we have had it during remote learning. I have put a video in the How to Help your Child tab on the class page. This shows you how to access the Parent Portal of the site so you can see what tasks your child has been set, what they have completed and then the feedback that they have been given.

The Sacrament of Confirmation

Whilst at Our Lady’s many of the children have made their Holy Communion, receiving the Eucharist for the very first time. The next sacrament to follow is that of Confirmation and children are normally invited to join the programme as they enjoy their first year at High School. Due to the pandemic the church has been unable to offer this programme. Fr Peter has now arranged for the Bishop to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation at Our Lady’s in December. All our current children in Year 6 are invited to enrol before they leave us. If you are interested in your child receiving the sacrament of Confirmation please read Fr Peters letter here and contact him to confirm your place. So many of the class have been telling me that they will be making their Confirmation and sharing their Confirmation names with us.

What a week of sport! It has been really heart warming to finally see the children being able to take on leadership roles in school this week. From Monday through to Wednesday, the children assisted with the sports day of our nursery children to Year 4 before they took on their own sporting challenges yesterday. I hope the video above helps you feel like you were part of the day! Miss Lavelle is putting together a whole school video, showcasing the sporting talent that Our Ladys has to offer!


St Bedes

This week we finally got the chance to speak to Miss Cochrane and Mrs Walker from St Bedes - just virtually. The children had the opportunity to ask lots of questions about what life would be like at St Bedes and to also hear some important information about school life.

All of the children received a pack yesterday that is theirs to have a look at. We will be completing the All About Me task in school, so please do not worry about that.

You should have all received an email and a letter about the Firefly account. Please do log on to see what information there is there.

We have paused certificates for this week…we simply cannot choose. There is a few things that we will be planning in the final three weeks to ensure that all of the children are celebrated continually.

Have a wonderful weekend. The weather has certainly been kind to us, fingers crossed that it continues.

Mrs Gregan