"You ain't never had a friend like me" - Genie

WOW - what an amazing week we have had here in Year 2! The focus and learning has been UNBELIEVABLE! The children are certainly showing that they are ready for the juniors!

In English we reached the end of our focus story ‘Aladdin’. The class have loved this story! They’ve taken on the roles of the characters, learnt loads of new vocabulary and completed some brilliant writing. This week, we created a conscience alley in class. Aladdin had a dilemma - should his final wish be to free the Genie or to be a prince forever? One child took on the role of Aladdin whilst the others called out his thoughts. The children shared so many ideas and showed just how much they understood Aladdin’s thoughts and feelings! Well done Year 2! In the coming weeks we are hoping to be able to sit down, watch and enjoy the whole film! You all deserve it.

We have been telling the time in maths. We started by recapping the o’clock and half past times before then moving onto quarter past and quarter to. It has been wonderful to see so much enthusiasm towards this new learning. The children are continually wanting to tell me the time throughout the day … it’s certainly keeping me on my toes - we’ve been on time for everything!

In RE we have been having lovely conversations about how God works through us and how we can spread His love. We learnt all about Saint Mother Teresa and how she helped so many different people in her lifetime. This then got us thinking … if we were to become a Saint, what would we want to be remembered for? The children’s ideas were simply beautiful!

We have continued to travel around the world with Buddy Bee in Geography. This week he travelled to North America. I wonder if Year 2 can amaze their families with some of the super facts we have learnt?

Thank you for such a smiley, happy week Year 2!

Let’s Celebrate

Ben, you have been such a ‘Focused Cooper Crab’ this week.  You have tried so hard to concentrate in every lesson and the work you have completed has been amazing.  You have even managed to finish your work and then become a teacher to help your friends in the class.  We have loved having such a positive, helpful learner in our classroom this week!  Thank you Ben!

Elsie, the enthusiasm has shone from you this week – just like Bobby Bee!  You have oozed positivity and your smiles have certainly spread amongst others in our classroom.  You have shared your thoughts so openly with the class in lessons and you have completed some brilliant pieces of work.  I know you have loved our focus story ‘Aladdin’ – thank you for sharing so many creative and unique ideas with us!


Please don’t forget water bottles, sun cream and sun hats on the lovely, sunny days we are having!

Enjoy the weekend with your families!

God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team