Year 6 Weekly Blog - "You have plenty of courage, I am sure," answered Oz. "All you need is confidence in yourself. "

Blink, and the week has gone! I cannot believe how quick time is flying in school at the moment. Having said that, I also cannot believe how much we are getting through in class and in the hall.

We are busy laughing, dancing and singing our way to Oz. With only a week to go until the dress rehearsal and then filming, we are striving to be at the top of our game. There is a tinge of sadness that we cannot share our end of year production like we usually do, but the show must go on and we hope that you will enjoy watching it as a family at home.

We have spent our time in class this week working hard, continuing to learn and master all of our curriculum key skills. I am never surprised to see the quality of the work that is being produced. I have added some photographs below to make you smile.

In RE, the children have continued to explore the sacraments and this week we looked at marriage. History has been focused on Blackpool and the development of seaside resorts. The children have been looking at the development of the railway and how tourists were transported to Blackpool. Science has been yucky! We are looking at mould. Working in groups, the children have been setting up an investigation to see if mould grows on bread. What environment would this develop in and how would it be cultivated.

All of the children have written their All about Me letters for their high schools and I will send these next week. We have also been continuing with our maths curriculum and looking at fraction, decimal and percentage equivalence.

As we move into our final three weeks, we will be thinking more about gratitude and what we really have to be thankful for.

Celebration of learning

With the standard of work so high in Year 6, there is no chance that I could single out specific learners. This morning I printed off 30 blank certificates that covered all of our learning characters. Each child had to choose the character that they have most demonstrated this week and award it to themselves.

They found this hard, celebrating ourselves is something that we often do not like to do. The children ended up writing some beautiful things. Please discuss which character they awarded themselves.

Costumes for the play

We are on the home straight! Scenery is up, a prop list has been written and the drama cupboard has been raided to make sure that we have everything that we need for the play. There are always some things that we need that you may have at home. Please can you see the list below and if there is anything that we can borrow for the play, please send it in.

  • Black leggings/trousers (Witches band, Toto, Witch and Grouch)

  • Dungarees and a checked shirt (Scarecrow)

  • Colourful or gingham shirts/dresses for Mucnhkins.

There may be some other things that I will email out next week.

IPad Mystery

Quite often, when things are a little less formal in class, Year 6 children can sometimes need reigning in a little. This has not happened at all this year, which is wonderful. However, one of the IPads in class has been set with a passcode, meaning that we now cannot use this IPad until the code is removed. It has to be someone within the Year 6 bubble as no other classes use these IPads.

I have asked whoever has done it to just remove it. I do not want to know who has done it, I just need to be able to access the IPad. The only way we will be able to use the IPad is when our IT technician visits the school again - which is in September.

I am more frustrated that anything that this has not been resolved this week and that we are an IPad down. Especially when we are using them so much at the moment and the next class will be until our technician visits.

I have asked the children to just correct it when no one is about to make us all happy again. I am still waiting for this to be done.

Leaver’s Mass

Throughout this final term, we have constantly been looking at ways in which we can bring the Year 6 community together and celebrate them like they truly deserve to be celebrated. This has not been easy with changing guidance regarding whole school get togethers. After talking with Father Peter and looking at what we can and cannot do, we think we have a plan. Just like Adventure Week and The Wizard of Oz, we have tried to look at what is possible.

So, we are planning to hold the Year 6 Leaver’s Mass in church on Wednesday 14th July at 11am. Each family will be allowed 2 places in church so you will be allowed to be a part of the mass. Masks will have to be worn and social distancing must take place. We will make sure that you have a specific place in church where you will be able to sit.

In order for us to make arrangements for the mass, please can you complete the form below indicating whether family members will be coming and the names of the members of the family.

As you are aware, these plans may change depending on the ever changing COVID situation.

We really hope that we are able to go ahead with this mass as a celebration of the service your child has given to Our Ladys.

Homework for this week is on the class page.

Have a lovely weekend with your families.

God Bless

Mrs Gregan