Year 5 home learning to be completed for Thursday 1st July

We are rapidly approaching the end of the school year! I can’t believe it. We had a great week of learning - so much focus!!! Well done all!


Please read every evening, We have a number of children close to their half term target and a couple that really need to finish their book so they can quiz and gain those points! Keep going everyone!


Well - we have really nailed multiplying fractions this week! In fact we managed to complete a number of the IXL units in a short rotation on Thursday- so much focus!! We do not need to complete these this weekend! So we are going back to unit S and completing S13 and S14!

I would love you to to complete a couple of studio sessions on your TT Rockstars just so you are rocking for fractions of a number next week!


This week we have been studying Judaism. We already knew a great dea,l as the Old Testament is all part of the Christian faith. Next week we will continue with Buddhism. In class we explored the Synagogue and Chedar. For homework I would like the children to write an email all about their Sabbath with Zusha - see your 2-do’s. You could complete the 2do or actually send Mrs Nel a real email using your 2email account! Read 2do for instructions.

ENGLISH - there are always two sides to an argument!

The Government wants to know if they should lengthen the school day. Can you make three clear arguments for this plan and three clear arguments against it. Remember to clearly express your reasoning- spell out consequences. Complete this in your Purple Mash there is a sheet in your 2do’s. Ask what your parents think they may have some very clear ideas!

FUN SCIENCE - for the curious!

We have spent a lot of time making mixtures and solutions this week and then working out how we can separate them! We have discovered the effectiveness of a sieve (different sized holes), a magnet, water and the process of evaporation!

I have attached here a booklet all about growing crystals. We see crystals throughout the natural world- especially in rocks. These appear as different minerals cool down: cooling fast very small crystals; cool slowly large crystals. Why not read this booklet and get inspired. Please email pictures of any project you undertake! Click on the image to open the booklet!

Have fun!