"Pressure can burst a pipe or make a diamond!"

We have investigated peer pressure over the past two RHE (relationship and health education) lessons. It has allowed us to really explore what good and bad pressure is! We now know that good pressure is for our own best interest! However we do need to recognise bad pressure and how to handle it. We made a list of actions we could take if we feel pressure in the future! We will be moving onto consent and what this means next week.

Needless to say the end of term looms and I feel the pressure to compete my learning intention s for this lovely class! So with our heads firmly down we have explored separating mixtures and solutions in science, we know how to multiply fractions, we have begun the look at discussion text in English and in RE we have studied Judaism! A super busy week! It has been fun though - below our is a gallery for our science experiments!

Awards this week

As always it was very hard to choose! These three children were extremely busy bees! Enthusiasm has abounded! Well done:

Growth Mindset certificates went to: Eli, Lily A and Emmanuel

Reminders for next week:

We have moved PE to Thursday next week to accommodate a Science morning next Friday- PE kit Tuesday and Thursday

The girls have a letter in their bags for you to read please do so they have a special lesson on Tuesday with Mrs Harrison and Mrs Hotchkiss.

Please return the RSC letter on Monday

Watch the Sports Day video on the Discover page!

From the whole Year 5 Team - have a lovely weekend!