"It's by learning new things in life that makes us grow"

This week has just flown by! The children have continued to amaze me with their superb learning and they have been thinking carefully about what choices they can make in order to make our final weeks together as enjoyable and fun as possible!

The class are still living and breathing all things time in maths! We can’t go a lesson without someone telling me what time it is and the children have become really confident at telling the time to five minute intervals. We have also looked at seconds, minutes and hours and which unit of measurement is best for which activity. After asking the question ‘would you rather clean your bedroom for seconds, minutes or hours?’, it was clear to see that many children in Year 2 do not enjoy cleaning their rooms!

Spelling and grammar have been our main focus in English this week. This is to ensure that the children are moving into Year 3 with the necessary skills to build upon. We had great fun labelling each other’s belongings as we learnt all about possessive apostrophes. Myself and the children ended up covered in sticky notes, ranging from Pippa’s nose to Miss Woodend’s back. Objects such as chairs and pencil cases were also covered! It was lovely to see the children having so much fun whilst learning a new skill.

In RE we read the story of Peter escaping from prison. The children then worked in pairs on Purple Mash to create some story boards which retold the story brilliantly. Again, the children showed just what Co-Operative Roger Robins they are as they listened to each other’s ideas and took it in turns to type on the computers and Ipads! This learning then linked wonderfully to the Feast Day of Saint Peter and Saint Paul which we celebrated on Tuesday. Normally we would gather as a whole school community on this day, so it was lovely to take some time out of the day to pray and reflect together.

Let’s keep working this hard right up to the end of the year children! I am so very proud of you all!

Let’s Celebrate

Thank you for being such a ‘Cooperative Roger Robin’ in our class Sophia!  You can never do enough to help the people around you and you always speak with such kindness and respect.  You are an encouraging and positive learning partner who always takes the time to celebrate the achievements of others.  We are all so lucky to have such a caring friend!   

What a ‘Focused Cooper Crab’ you have been this week Cora.  You have been ready to learn in every lesson and you have tried really hard to stay focused on the tricky learning taking place.  You have LOVED learning how to tell the time and even earned the title of ‘star time teller’ in one of our lessons this week!  Keep up this focus and enthusiasm Cora – it has been a joy to see! 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
For all the England supporters … fingers crossed for an England win!

God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team!