Please make sure that all homework is completed by next Thursday. Many thanks.
Read at home every day. Make sure that you quiz when you have completed a book.
(Parents: Don’t forget you can check on your child’s progress on Accelerated Reader - this will let you know which books they have read and quizzed on and also their progress towards their reading target.)
Holy Communion Prep
Please ensure that the Holy Communion workbook “Called to His Supper” is completed to the end. Thank you.
TT Rockstars - please keep practising your tables facts. How fast can you get at these?
IXL—please complete any multiplication and division units that have not been completed during the year. Can you be an IXL King or Queen this week? See how many questions that you can answer.
Spellings—children have been given a spelling sheet to practise. Please make sure that these sheets are completed using the look, say, cover, write, check method.