"Life is just like a chemical reaction" PTripothi

On Monday this week the children had a bag which held bicarbonate of soda and citric acid - to this we added a purple cabbage potion!!! I think you might know what happened next! We have investigated irreversible changes. On the following day we investigated Sherbet and how it is made. Needless to say we had to taste this experiment! On Wednesday we got the sand trays out so we could use a flame to test what happens to different solids when heat is added! It was all so exciting!

Alongside these science lessons we completed our “fractions of a number” - we had some very tricky modeling here, and in English we debated. In fact our debating morning was great fun and we have included pictures of our different debating teams here in this blog. The children very successfully argued for pupils to express themselves with dyed hair and apparently we need a class parrot!!

In RE we moved onto a new religion - Buddhism. We learnt about Prince Siddhartha and how he reached enlightenment. I hope you are able to complete the prayer flag for homework. On Friday, we continued with our RHE lessons - this week we explored consent and bodily autonomy defined as:

Consent: Giving permission for something to happen, and respecting one another’s bodily autonomy.

Bodily Autonomy: Everyone should have control over their own body. No-one gets to decide what gets to happen to our bodies except us.

We really explored this through our lovely “Ten Ten” resources (video). We understand too that if we say no we do not have to give a reason. The character in the book was insisting the other eat their cake. The child didn’t want it - peer pressure was used and we saw that the persons wishes were not being respected. We took time to reflect at the end of the lesson.


Our grow your brain certifcates this week went to: Penny (again!!!- great maths and Jacob great debating

Reminders for next week

We have moved PE to Thursday again - so Tuesdays and Thursdays PE kits.

We will be leaping into “A Midsummer Nights dream” next week - all Shakespeare. If we can’t go to the theatre we will create one here.

From the whole team in Year 5 - have a lovely weekend